Become a Networking Superstar

With TAIOSConnect

You Get a CUSTOM Digital Business Card with Marketing Automations that Make You Stand Out From the Crowd

  • Connect Daily

  • Manage Leads

  • Market and Sell

Ready To Network Like a SuperStar?

TAIOSConnect brings networking to life by making sharing your contact information fun and engaging.

But that is just the beginning...

We focus on elements that encourage engagement and communication with your contact.

TAIOSConnect Makes it Easy
To Be the Life of The Party

In the dynamic realm of professional networking, the importance of effortlessly sharing your contact information cannot be overstated. At networking events, where connections are forged and opportunities abound, the seamless exchange of contact details acts as the linchpin that transforms a brief encounter into a lasting connection.

Picture this: you've just had a stimulating conversation with a potential collaborator or a future client. The last thing you want is to fumble through pockets or purses, desperately searching for a business card or a scrap of paper to scribble your details. A smooth and efficient exchange of contact information not only saves time but also leaves a lasting impression of professionalism and preparedness. It's about seizing the moment and turning a casual interaction into a valuable relationship with just a tap or a scan.

That's where TAIOSConnect comes in. Think of it as the digital handshake that ensures your newfound connection doesn't fade into the background noise of a bustling event. Simply have someone scan your unique QR Code during a conversation, and become a networking superstar in no time!

Sharing Your Contact Information

Has Never Made More of an Impact

Networking & Lead Generation

You get a custom mobile website that serves as a digital business card so you can connect, communicate and convert contacts and referrals into leads right from your phone.

Manage Lead & Customer Data

Every contact goes into a customer relationship management system so you can manage and communicate with leads and customers to close more deals and increase profit.

Email & Text Messaging

Communicate directly with your contacts, leads and customers from your system dedicated phone number or email address. No more multiple apps and programs needed.

Your Digital Business Card Includes

  • Custom Call To Action buttons so contacts can call, text or email you with one tap

  • Social media integration

  • Your Photo & Welcome/Introduction Videos

  • Customer Testimonials

  • Downloadable Files

  • Online Contact Form

  • Scan your phone over another mobile device and have your card automatically pop up

  • QR Code for easy quick and easy sharing

  • Connected to integrated customer relationship management and marketing platform

Share the Superstar Magic!

Become a TAIOSConnect Affiliate

When a friend or colleague wants to become a network superstar themselves, they can signup by clicking the Powered By TAOISConnect image at the bottom of your digital business card and you will automatically earn 10%!

What are you waiting for? Get started with TAIOSConnect TODAY!

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